Saturday, October 2, 2010


Today at the SHS homecoming football game against Rochester, Troy Klunick, whom I haven't spoken to in months, says to me, "Brian, you've become a celebrity. Classic Brian has made you famous." Also, Conor claims that all of his friends at OU already think I'm a douche and would know me better as "Classic" rather than Brian if I were ever referenced in one of Conor's stories from home. I can't decide if this is really awesome or the worst thing ever. I find it hilarious that people as far away as Oklahoma know of my existence. However, I would prefer not to be the world's best known, least accomplished douche.

People who read this know I'm not a self worshiping tool, right? Right guys?? I promise I'm a nice guy at heart. I just want to establish that for anyone who might follow this blog that doesn't already know me (I'll pretend for the sake of this post that such people exist). Don't get me wrong though. I thoroughly enjoy the reputation of lovable asshole that my close friends seem to spread for me. I can be a dick. I'll go ahead and acknowledge that. But I'm not a mean guy. I'll crack jokes at your expense often enough, so know that going in to this friendship (you're going to be my friend if you aren't already, and you're going to fucking love it). But I'll never intentionally hurt you, baby. I got cho back allatime eeryday.

I don't really know where my cruel sense of humor came from. As a kid I was always really quiet and timid. Maybe I got tired of taking people's shit all those years. Maybe that's why I developed a badass preemptive defense mechanism. You can't insult me if I insult you first, right? BAHAHA. Or maybe I'm just a tortured soul looking to entertain myself. WHO KNOWS?

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