Friday, July 30, 2010

I know It Is a Day Late, but Fuck Off!

I was really drunk most of yesterday, so bite me. I'm not that far off from Thursday! It's been like, 16 hours since it was officially Thursday, so at least I gave you guys something. I'm sorry this was so short, and not really about ANYTHING, but I needed to make up for my missed post; I don't want to get murdered or raped or stabbed or shot or tied down naked and burnt with hot metal or even have my nipples pinched. It all sounds bad, and those are all things I happen to know CONOR is capable of. The bastard.

1 comment:

  1. Conor and I spent a good twenty minutes reminiscing about the time at Denny's where you made us laugh harder than we have through all of senior year. Something about putting throwing a cat in a river? And then the infamous instant explosion button. That was the funniest thing in the world.
